Our Subsidiaries: Contrôles AC and Equans Transport

Two companies with distinct skills for an integrated offer
Logo Controles AC

As digital regulation specialists, our mission is to provide and support our clients with global solutions for the integration, operation, management, and optimization of the building to achieve and even exceed the required performances.
We help you to extend the life of your installations, reduce operating costs, and decrease energy consumption, regardless of the size of your projects.

Logo Equans Transport

Equans Transport is a service provider for green mobility and intelligent, integrated and decarbonized collective transport.
As a company of the Equans Group, owned equally by Equans Services and Ineo, Equans Transport designs, develops, implements and optimizes solutions that facilitate rail, road and urban transport.


A career at Equans Services?

At Equans Services, we are always looking for experts motivated to make the 3 transitions real.