Maintenance: a Key Driver for your Performance
Tuning of your HVAC systems, analysis of your electrical network, monitoring of your central utility plant, control of your generators, etc. To ensure that your building or infrastructure continues to deliver the expected level of service over time, the maintenance and upkeep of your technical equipment are critical steps in the life cycle of your installations.
As a trusted partner to numerous public and private sector entities, Equans Services supports you in your operations and maintenance activities. From office buildings to cultural institutions, lighting networks to industrial facilities, etc. our mobile and on-site teams enhance your operational and energy performance on a daily basis.
Their objective? Extend the lifecycle of your equipment, including critical assets, and reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Our work is executed in compliance with your requirements, safety guidelines, and applicable regulations.
Our Services
✅ Planned preventive maintenance
✅ Corrective maintenance (receiving and managing your requests 24/7 by qualified personnel)
✅ Operation of your technical and critical facilities (production lines, baggage sorting, data centers, etc.)
✅ Predictive maintenance to reduce downtime
✅ Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) adapted to the criticality level of the equipment
✅ Capital planning and asset renewal
✅ Installation of your CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System)
✅ Occupant services under an Integrated Facility Management (IFM) contract
A Comprehensive Approach
Ensuring the smooth operation of your technical installations and the efficient use of your energies (electricity, gas, steam, compressed air, hot water or chilled water) is the core expertise of Equans Services!
For maintenance plans, upgrades, energy optimization, or breakdown analysis, regardless of your industry, our local teams take care of the management and operation of all your electromechanical and architectural systems.
Our unique capability? Provide you with all these services in an integrated, transparent, and efficient way. When needed, we leverage the potential of new technologies to enhance the daily maintenance of your installations.
Multitechnical Maintenance Skills: our Solutions include all the Technical Services for Buildings and Infrastructure
Energy Management Optimization for your Operations
To support your sustainability goals, most of our contracts are all-inclusive and include Energy Efficiency Programs with performance guarantees.
Our ambition? To help you reduce your costs and CO2 emissions without additional investments. Through adjustments to operational sequences, energy waste reduction, and regulation, we typically achieve a minimum of 2% reduction in energy consumption for our clients, year after year. Additionally, our team of analysts monitors your bills and prepares energy budgets. Upon request, we can also provide guidance on implementing and financing energy efficiency projects.
Industrial Production Lines
Are you responsible for a production tool or a complex system? Equans Services is here to support you as well. We have a team of electromechanics and specialists in programmable logic controllers (PLCs) who ensure the continuity of your operations and the reliability of your critical equipment.
Whether it's maintenance of your compressors, conveyors, or production lines, we take into account your constraints to help you reduce downtime and improve your productivity.